
Von A wie AGF Videoforschung bis Z wie Zapping – hier werden die wichtigsten Fachbegriffe der Bewegtbildforschung erläutert.

External specification

External specifications are external specifications for the structural composition of the AGF panel. They are relevant for the structure, control and weighting of the data.
Until 2020, the AGF participated in parts of ma Radio with a TV question set. Up to and including 31 December 2021, "ma TV" (in addition to further specifications from the microcensus and results from the platform study) forms the external specification for the AGF panel.

Since 2020, the AGF has been conducting the "Potential Study" in cooperation with agof and agma. At the same time, the AGF conducts the platform study, in which interviewers survey and test TV specifics (including platform access, reception levels) in households. After a joint weighting on the microcensus, both studies form the AGF Video Potentials, which has provided the relevant potentials for video and internet usage in Germany since 1 January 2022.
The specifications for the relevant structural information for TV reception and socio-demographics are taken from the AGF Video Potentials. For children aged 3-13 years, who are not surveyed in the potential study and platform study, the structural information comes from the respective current microcensus.

The specifications for the distribution of Sky subscriptions, in turn, are provided from a Deloitte audit." The following characteristics are important for controlling the panel structures:

  • Territories: States of the Federal Republic of Germany
  • Socio-demographic information: age and education of the MIP (Main Income Person), household size, children in the household
  • Reception levels: IPTVsatellitecableterrestrial
  • Reception situation: platform access

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