Von A wie AGF Videoforschung bis Z wie Zapping – hier werden die wichtigsten Fachbegriffe der Bewegtbildforschung erläutert.
Weighting characteristic
Weighting characteristics are the characteristics applied for the weighting of TV households or persons in TV households in the AGF Panel. The German state, municipality size, reception level classification and a number of socio-demographic characteristics of households and persons are included in the weighting.
The following weighting characteristics of persons and households are:
At the household level:
- State
- Household size
- AGFreception level
- BIK Municipality Size Class
- Political Municipality Size Class
- Children yes/no
- Education of the MIP (Main Income Person)
- Age of the MIP (Main Income Person)
- Ownership of TV device
- Platform access
- Sky packages
At the person level:
- State
- Sex
- AGF reception level
- BIK Municipality Size Class
- Political Municipality Size Class
- Education
- Household size
- Age
- Relationship to the MIP (Main Income Person)
- HKP (Household-Keeping Person)
- Internet usage
- Occupation
- Platform access
The weighting of the significantly smaller group of non-TV households or persons in non-TV households is carried out separately in a weighting run and with a reduced matrix set.
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