
Von A wie AGF Videoforschung bis Z wie Zapping – hier werden die wichtigsten Fachbegriffe der Bewegtbildforschung erläutert.

AGF GenZ Video Study

The "AGF GenZ Video Study" is a basic study on the use of video by children and young people between the ages of 3 and 17, which the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Videoforschung (AGF) commissioned from the market research institute Kantar in February and March 2020.

The study was structured in two stages: In a qualitative preliminary study, intensive explorations were conducted with children of different age groups (3-5 years / 6-10 years / 11-14 years / 15-17 years). The insights gained from these interviews on media use and the specific language worlds of the children could be implemented in the subsequent quantitative survey.

In the large-scale quantitative survey including daily routine surveys, consisting of more than 5,000 interviews and thus unique in this form on the German market, the children's TV and streaming use and their underlying motives were researched.

The central findings: Moving images are very popular with children and young people - 90 percent of all 3- to 17-year-olds consume videe content every day. You can find more information here.


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