From A for AGF Videoforschung to Z for zapping, the most important technical terms in video research are explained here.
Tagging refers to a technology that is integrated into a website to measure online traffic. This makes it possible to record and collect all activity on a tagged website.
Tandem spots are two or more ad spots that are broadcast one after the other in quick succession within a commercial break and convey identical or complementary advertising messages.
The target group is a segment of persons demarcated from the base that is formed on the basis of certain characteristics (e.g. socio-demographic characteristics) or combinations of characteristics.
TC score is a measurement device developed by GfK Telecontrol (TC) by which television usage in the AGF Panel was measured from 2009 to the end of 2019. In addition to the former traditional reception paths of cable, terrestrial, satellite (analog or digital) and analog video recorders, the TC score could measure the usage of time-shifted viewing by way of digital recording devices such as hard-drive and DVD recorders, as well as EPGs.
The TC UMX system is the currently used measurement system. This system is based on the audio matching technique. In addition, AGF measures streaming usage in households using router technology (see AGF Smart Meter).
TC XL is a measurement device of GfK Telecontrol (TC) that was used in the AGF system until 2009. This method is alternatively known as the “tuner-in-meter method.” It is based on direct frequency measurement.
Technical reach indicates the theoretical total number of a households in an area that are technically capable of receiving a TV broadcaster. However, this indicator disregards the question of whether all households within the technical reach own a TV set or have also tuned in to the broadcaster in question on a reception device in the household.
Telepromotion is a type of continuous advertising programme consisting of editorially prepared advertising for goods or services.
Teleshopping refers to a shopping programme on TV in which viewers have the possibility of directly ordering the presented products and services by telephone or fax or from a special website.
Since January 1995, the television day is defined in the AGF/GfK system as the period of time from 3:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. A unique date is assigned to this 24-hour period. Thus, the date change occurs not at midnight, but at 3 in the morning. Among other things, this ensures that all data on TV usage during the television day “yesterday” can be retrieved at the same time during the night and reported in the morning.
Terrestrial transmission refers to the reception level of picture and sound transmission from earthbound radio transmitters. Terrestrial television is possible via a house, indoor or rod antenna with a small additional box. A DVB-T/DVB-T2 receiver can also be integrated in the television set. All programmes of the public broadcasters receivable via DVB-T2 can be received free of charge and unencrypted. The programmes of the private broadcasters can be added for a fee via "freenet TV".
Total video is offered as a fact in convergence analyses and adds up the total usage volume of the services measured by the system (total TV and streaming usage). Total video is the basis for calculating the video usage share.
Trailers are announcement spots for programming formats, programs or broadcasters. They run before or after television advertising.
Transponders are signal amplifiers that are used in high-frequency transmission systems with satellites, in terrestrial systems and in optical networks. They receive terrestrial signals in a certain frequency and transmit them terrestrially in another frequency across wide areas.
Triple play refers to a package offering for telephony, Internet access and television. Cable network operators and telephone companies are among the providers of such package offerings.
TTX is an acronym that stands for teletext. It refers to an additional service transmitted by the broadcaster in which available data lines are used to convey additional information such as news, sports or additional programme information.
TTX reader is an abbreviation for teletext reader and describes the users of TTX with the minimum usage time of one second. Every person who uses TTX consecutively for at least one second is counted as a reader for this medium. The calculation is analogous to television usage (but without the condition of minimum consecutive use of one minute), i.e. it is a net value.
Tuners are reception components in TV sets or radios. They convert the received electromagnetic signals into audio and video information.
TV CONTROL is an evaluation software program of AGF developed by DAP GmbH that integrates the planning and control of TV advertising campaigns into a software. The software provides direct access to the spend volumes of media agencies and databases of gross advertising expenses customarily used in the market. On this basis, advertisers can evaluate their own campaigns and those of competitors.
TV-Total is offered in the system both as a summary of usage (“fact”, available in TV analyses) and as a summary of vendors in TV and convergence analyses. TV-Total as a fact contains the usages of TV broadcasters participating in the system. As a fact, TV-Total also includes broadcasters that are measured but not individually identifiable based on the license agreement. The audiomatching measurement method measures all of the broadcasters participating in the system and other broadcasters defined by AGF. TV-Total as a fact provides the basis for calculating the market share.
TVoD stands for transactional video-on-demand, which refers to video streaming offerings which a user can use against payment of a fee for a limited period of time (24h/48h), after which they are no longer available.