
From A for AGF Videoforschung to Z for zapping, the most important technical terms in video research are explained here.

Watermarking refers to the superimposition of audio or video signals conveying information that cannot be heard or seen by users, which are used to recognize broadcasters and/or content for the purposes of television usage measurement. The watermarking information is read out from the audio-video signals with the aid of special technical processes. Depending on the information provided, watermarking can be used for television usage measurement, but also for purposes of digital rights management. In the AGF system, watermarking is used for the detection of crossfades (addressable TV).

Web-only refers to information delivered in the c-variables. It serves the purpose of identifying videos that can only be found in the Internet. Such videos can be previews or even exclusive streaming videos.

WEBCROSS was an online application developed by DAP GmbH on behalf of AGF Videoforschung. The focus of WEBCROSS was the visualization of convergent usage data from AGF, which included TV data (30-minute increments) as well as video streaming data (offer unit level). With the deployment of AGF SCOPE 2023, WEBCROSS was discontinued.

Factor per person or household to compensate for structural differences between sample and universe. Weight is calculated daily as a function of the reporting mass. Weight can be adjusted to suit calculation needs for long-term person observations. Weight also includes the projection factor for projecting the sample survey on the universe.

Weighting is a method by which the importance of characteristics in the sample is adapted to the importance of the universe in order to ensure a more exact extrapolation or depiction. Each reporting person of the AGF Panel is assigned a weight to compensate for structural differences between sample and universe. If the structure of a sample is exactly identical to the structure of the universe, each person is assigned the weight of 1. In reality, however, some units are always either over-represented or under-represented. Over-represented units are given a weight of less than 1, under-represented units a weight of more than 1. Depending on the structure of daily reporting households, the weight assigned to the same person or household can change on a daily basis.

In the AGF Panel, weighting is performed every day in two steps:

  1. Provisional weighting of usage data on the day after broadcast
  2. Final weighting of these usage data after factoring in additional retrieval possibilities in the eight subsequent days

Weighting characteristics are the characteristics applied for the weighting of  TV households or persons in TV households in the AGF Panel. The German state, municipality size, reception level classification and a number of socio-demographic characteristics of households and persons are included in the weighting.

The following weighting characteristics of persons and households are:

At the household level:

At the person level:

  • State
  • Sex
  • AGF reception level
  • BIK Municipality Size Class
  • Political Municipality Size Class
  • Education
  • Household size
  • Age
  • Relationship to the MIP (Main Income Person)
  • HKP (Household-Keeping Person)
  • Internet usage
  • Occupation
  • Platform access

The weighting of the significantly smaller group of non-TV households or persons in non-TV households is carried out separately in a weighting run and with a reduced matrix set.

The WFA is a global organisation that represents the common interests of marketers. It represents 90 per cent of global marketing communications spending. The WFA advocates for more effective and sustainable marketing communications. The WFA connects the world's largest brand owners and national advertisers' associations in more than 60 markets, bringing together tens of thousands of brands at the local level.

Window programmes are TV programmes that are broadcast by regional providers on the frequencies of national broadcasters and replace the programmes of the main broadcaster on this frequency. They serve the purpose of regionalizing programming content.